Finishing The Race

Hebrews 11:29-12:2 The Olympic Games usually include events of athletic determination and courageous inspiration. From the Mexico City Games came the account of the marathon. A runner from Africa fell during the race but continued to run. Long after the winners received...

Hit The Bullseye

Paul Borden is a gifted preacher and church consultant. In his new book Hit The Bullseye (Abingdon Press), he encourages denominations to adopt new strategies that will help their churches renew their focus on mission. Though focused...

Unveiling The End Times In Our Times

Adrian Rogers is one of America's most effective Christian communicators, and in his new book Unveiling The End Times In Our Times (Broadman & Holman) he offers his own treatment of the book of Revelation. The book offers a variety of resources...

Seek The Things Above

Colossians 3:1-11 T. Robertson once said, "A person has to keep his feet upon the earth, but his head in the heavens." The stress of daily living has become a national struggle. The busy schedules of the Palm Pilot generation overwhelm. On an average day our...

The Triumph Of Christ

Colossians 2:6-15 Paul uses a powerful image to speak of the triumph of Christ (Col. 2:15). The Romans won victories in war. When they conquered their enemies in military battles they marched toward Rome. A celebration ensued when the Roman army marched...