March-April 2004 ~ Vol. 19, No. 5

The Preaching Swim Contents Include: "Starting Fresh: An Interview with James Merritt", "The Preaching Swim" by Michael Quicke, "The Disastrous Drift from Deduction" by David L. Larsen, "Expository Preaching That Touches the Heart" by Gregory K. Hollifield, "From Mars Hill to the Movies" by Marc T.

When The Bad Must Yield To The Good

Acts 9: 36-43 It has puzzled human beings from the beginning of time itself. Why does God allow bad things to happen? The question is asked in one of the oldest books of the Old Testament, the book of Job, as well as the New Testament's last book, the book of...

The Preaching Swim

"Images are a way to explore realities that cannot be fully investigated or explored by objective study or measurement." - Donald E. Messer, Contemporary Images of Christian Ministry

Keeping The Faith: Best Indiana Sermons

It's always good to see publishers invest in books of sermons, and a small regional press has come you with an interesting approach. Guild press has published Keeping The Faith: Best Indiana Sermons. Church leaders were invited to nominate sermons, and the...