Crown Him King

James Merritt is a gifted preacher (and former Southern Baptist Convention President) who now pastors the 12,000-member Fellowship of Joy in suburban Atlanta. His newest book, Crown Him King (Broadman Holman), offers a series of messages on the Kingdom of God and how we make Christ King in our li

The Christian Pastor’s Manual

Soli Deo Gloria Publications has released a fascinating book called The Christian Pastor's Manual. It is a collection of essays and letters by prominent 17th and 18th century American and English Puritan pastors. They deal with a variety of issues faced by pastors in their own day. It's intere

The Passion-Driven Sermon

The Passion-Driven Sermon. Nashville: Broadman Holman, 2003. Harcover, 180 pages$19.99. ISBN 0-8054-2722-8. Why do you preach? A survey of pastors might show a variety of reasons cited as motivation for preachers. Jim Shaddix, however, believes that sermons "should be driven by a passion fo

Making The Point With SHARP Illustrations

The SHARP Principles While it is usually best to utilize the strongest illustrations in the introduction and conclusion, illustrations are also needed in the body of the sermon. Within the various points of the message they further explain the point, give the audience time to digest the truth

When Jesus Stood Still

Proper 25 (B), October 26, 2003 When Jesus Stood Still Mark 10: 46-52 The healing of Bartimaeus is unique in the Synoptic gospels because he is the only person named whose healing is mentioned in Mathew, Mark and Luke. On his final part of his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus passes through J