Spiritual Exercise

According to a researcher at the University of Michigan, a program of good exercise may help a person fight off colds and infection. The theory is that a good workout puts the body in a condition similar to what happens at the onset of a fever. That's not all bad. Most biologists are of the opinion

Faithful Servants

In his book Living Faithfully, J. Allen Blair tells of a man who was struggling to get to Grand Central Station in New York City. The wind blew fiercely, and the rain beat down on him as he lugged his two heavy suitcases toward the terminal. Occasionally he would pause to rest and regain his strengt

Examples Of Faith

Faithful Unto Death One of the more heroic stories to come out of the Korean War involved a young sergeant by the name of Gardolibov. He had been engaged in the severe fighting on Heartbreak Hill. When the shooting subsided a rescue team was dispatched to the area to aid the wounded. The sergeant w


The Great Wall of China is a gigantic structure that cost an immense amount of money and labor. When it was finished, it appeared impregnable. But the enemy breached it. Not by breaking it down or going around it. They did it by bribing the gatekeepers. There are unlimited ways to be enticed by t


The primary purpose of the sacrificial system was worship. As Charles Ryrie has noted, the root of the word offering means to "draw near" to God. This is reflected in David's words: "May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice" (Ps.

Evangelism Requires Action

Dan Reiland recently wrote, "I remember giving some of the guys a hard time after a day of fishing. They spent ten hours and about $100 for the day. The results? They had caught only three small fish that were barely bigger than a bait-sized snack. I told them that I could go to the grocery store an

Gain Through Loss

No Competition None of us are truly free to be Christ's' disciples until we break with everything that hinders our commitment to the Lord. Misplaced affections must be abandoned for they bind us to that which is passing away. History provides an incident illustrating this important principle. When

New Age

Shirley MacLaine, who claims to have spent times in past lives as a monk, a Russian ballet dancer, a male court jester, her own daughter's daughter, a harem dancer, a Brazilian voodoo practitioner, a Chinese tai chi artist, a prostitute, an Incan youth in Peru and a Roman guard, says she has also ca


During the 1980s the Chrysler Corporation faced a financial crisis so great that many feared that it would go bankrupt. One step that chairman Lee Iacocca took during this period was to reduce his own salary to $1 a year, following a principle that he called "equality of sacrifice." Iacocca reas

Evil Choices

On the table side by side; The Holy Bible and the TV Guide, One is well worn but cherished with pride, (Not the Bible, but the TV Guide). One is used daily to help folks decide, No! It isn't the Bible; it's the TV Guide. As pages are turned, what shall they see? Oh, what does it matter, turn on the