TNIV Round Table Chat Transcripts

Zondervan has created quite a stir by publishing the new Bible, Today's New International Version. We've enjoyed several informative Chat events allowing each side to present their case. But we've decided to go one better. We assembled some of the leaders surrounding this debate for a LIVE Round Table Chat. They discussed the issues surrounding the Colorado Springs Guidelines as well as various questions regarding the text of the TNIV. Read on...

Lisa Whelchel Homeschool Transcript

"The first reason I began to look into home schooling was for purely financial reasons. I always assumed that I would enroll my children in private school. Having three children three years in a row and living on a one-income pastor's salary not to mention having lost all the money I made on The Facts of Life... That wasn't an option." Read on for some of Lisa Whelchel's homeschooling tips.

TNIV in Focus

Zondervan has been the focus of a swirl of controversy around it's latest Bible Translation, Today's New International Version. We've heard from one of those who stand in opposition to this new Bible and now we've heard from the other side of the table. Check out the Transcripts from our Chat with Dr. Mark Strauss, associate professor of New Testament at Bethel San Diego Seminary and author of "<A href="" target=new><STRONG>Distorting Scripture? The Challenge of Bible Translation and Gender-Accuracy</STRONG></A>".

Rachael Lampa Transcript

We had a great time visiting with Rachael Lampa in our Chat. She shared about her not so graceful departure from a stage in Rome (she sorta fell down the steps in front of only 20,000 people) to her most favorite house chore in the whole wide world (vacuuming). Read on and you'll see her french fry eating tips as well.

Chris Rice Chat

We had an incredible time with Chris Rice. Read on to find out about Chris's stuffed parrot award as well as some insightful looks into his music. (Thanks goes to Sound&Spirit for helping to bring this event about. Be sure to read on to find out about some great music deals just for you.)

Renewing the Heart Chat

Janet Parshall is the host for Focus on the Family's radio talk show for women, Renewing the Heart. Join us right after her Saturday program for a live Chat... straight from the heart. <b>Saturday, Mar. 23 at 2 p.m. ET in the Auditorium.</b>


During our Chat with Rev. Tim Bayly, signer of the '97 agreement to not change the translation of the Bible, someone asked, "What are the 5 biggest flaws in the TNIV?" He responded by saying, "First, that those who issued it broke their word by doing so. Christians are supposed to keep their word. Second, that many gender markings are removed or changed..." Read on to see the rest of his answers and see what the controversy around this new Bible is all about.

Lisa Whelchel & Kids

From activities they enjoy while on the road to methods in how to deal with sisters the Whelchel siblings covered it all. Don't miss out on Tuckers advice to brothers.


The movie, "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" has revived interest in Tolkein's fantasy. It also has people talking about truths the book addresses. Much discussion centers on the ring itself. The ring is the most powerful of several rings that are abroad in this fantasy world. It can make the wearer invisible. It also...


Blandon Churchyard, where Winston Churchill is buried, is like many similar village churchyards. There is a lich-gate at the entrance. Here the bearers could wait with the casket until the minister came out to escort them into the church. If the weather was inclement, they had some shelter beneath the roof of the lich-gate. Over...