Three Noteworthy Books for Preachers
It is always profitable to be reading some preacher biography or autobiography.
William E. Sangster: In the Wake of the Wesleys
At the heart of London is Wesminster, with the houses of Parliament and four commanding churches: Wesminster Abbey, the national church (Anglican); Westminster Cathedral (Roman Catholic); Westminster Chapel (Congregational); and Westminster Central Hall (Methodist), across from the Abbey. The latter has been a great preaching palace; and in his 24 years as pastor, Dinsdale T. Young, a preacher of redemption and an evangelist, filled its 3,000 seats with the largest audiences in London (Oswald Chambers was his protege). He died in 1938; and the next year, William E. Sangster was appointed pastor.
What was Stephen Thinking?
David Larsen looks at Stephen's commanding and stirring speech in Acts 7
Why Preach Biblical Prophecy?
Whatever may be our theological system, this is the end of the doctrinal encyclopedia that generally gets scant utterance in the typical evangelical pulpit.
Past Masters: P.T. Forsyth
In his classic recommendations for seminary curriculum, B.B. Warfield of old Princeton called for "scholar-saints" in our pulpits today. Few have better embodied that ideal than Peter Taylor Forsyth (1848-1921). Born and raised in Scotland, he served five English congregations and th
No Cross, No Crown
Philippians 2:5-11 The expression NO CROSS, NO CROWN has been widely used and among the
early users was William Penn, founder of the Quaker colony which
became Pennsylvania in his tract NO CROSS, NO CROWN published in
London in 1669. How well it encapsulates the meaning of the Palm
Sunday pro
The Attractiveness Of Jesus
John 12:20-33 In the older lectionaries the fifth Sunday in Lent was always Passion
Sunday but that has now elided with Palm Sunday. We cannot preach on
the cross of Christ too often. Still litigation is widespread to
remove the cross from all public places in America. The cross has
been exci
Magnifying The Message Of Grace
Ephesians 2:1-10 "God loves you as you are, but he loves you
too much to allow you to stay as you are." So spoke one of the
leading characters in last summer's widely viewed film, JUNEBUG.
This familiar insight from an unexpected source flies in the face of a
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