James S. Stewart

Few smaller areas of the world have ever seen the prodigous renaissance in Biblical preaching that Scotland saw in the 18th and 19th centuries. With her divinity halls filled with converts from the Great Awakening and the Moody evangelistic crusades. Scotland saw the early dissipation of this...

Phillip Brooks: American Icon

Phillips Brooks (1835-1893) was born in Boston into an old Brahmin family. His parents had been Unitarian but became Episcopalian. Brooks, baptized a Unitarian, was educated at the Boston Latin School (where he later taught without success), Harvard University and the Virginia Theological Seminary i

The Breach in the Great, Dark Wall

Luke 24:13-35 Jesus Christ came walking out of the tomb alive! What had been one way traffic - no return - has now been reversed. A breach has been effected into the hitherto unyielding wall of human mortality, and the living Christ again insinuates Himself into the lives and affairs of Hi

The Grand Opening

John 20:19-31 A very sensitive and troubled young woman whom life had dealt some very hard blows - profound physi-cal and relational dysfunction - spent six days in Yosemite Park in California. She needed to heal and get her footing. One day while hiking she spotted a little tuft of grass


John 20:1-18 "On the morning of August 27, 1883, the most stupendous explosion ever recorded took place. It was heard as far away as 3,000 miles. "The whole of the northern and lower part of the island of Krakatoa - lying between Java and Sumatra - had blown off. Stone, dust

The Company Of Hope

David L. Larsen, a long-time preaching professor and popular author, has written The Company Of Hope (Author House), a history of the church's approach to biblical prophecy. Larsen tells the story through the lives of key individuals whose teaching...