Rejecting The Person

Luke 4:21-30 Christ's passion from the outset of His ministry was for God's people to know and accept God. There were no imitation gods allowed. Jesus preached the message that came directly from the heart of His Father. Christ was asked to share at His hometown synagogue, and

Liberating Innovation

Luke 4:14-21 Galilee is geographically north of Palestine and surrounded by non-Jewish nations. Those nations influenced the outlook, philosophy, progression and theology of the Jews. William Barclay tells us that Josephus - the Jewish historian and former governor of the area - said that

The Rhythm Of Dance

Mark 10:2-16 Brian McLaren states, "In the early church, one of the most powerful images used for the Trinity was the image of a dance of mutual indwelling. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live in an eternal, joyful, vibrant dance of love and honor, rhythm and harmony, grace and beaut

Flavor Forever

Mark 9:38-50 I read from the internet that "Flavor is the sensory impression of a food or other substance. It is determined by the three chemical senses of taste, olfaction (smell), and the so-called trigeminal senses, which detect chemical irritants in the mouth and throat. The taste

A Servant’s Heart

Mark 9:30-37 I love a parade! As a high school band student I played the bass drum. The preparation, practices, and formation drills led up to the day of the American Royal Parade in Kansas City. Once on the bus we laughed, talked and made lots of noise as teenagers. However, when we got to

Worship: Our Ultimate Response

John 2:13-22 A young man decided to make a climb on the Swiss Alps and hired two men to be his guides. It was a steep, hazardous ascent to the top of the mountain. The experienced guides placed him in the middle of the trio as they climbed. After hours of struggling they reached the summit

The Priority Of The Cross

Mark 8:31-38 The date: May 21, 1946. The location: Los Alamos, New Mexico. The experiment: To determine the amount of U-235 necessary for a chain reaction for the atomic bomb. In his effort to discover the amount of uranium it takes to produce the "critical mass," scientist Lou

Second Sunday After Epiphany

The Purpose Of A Gift I Corinthians 12:1-12 What's the best gift you have ever received? Something tangible? Something non-tangible? Who gave the best gift to you that you have ever received? Your spouse? A child? Parent? A friend? A relative? When was the best gift given to you that you hav

Baptism Of The Lord

The Rugged Demands of Baptism Luke 3:15-17; 21-22 He is a student at my denomination's seminary and I got acquainted with him at his wedding to one of my co-workers. The last two years he has lived in the United States and enjoyed the freedoms we have come to take for granted. Prior to his