Ordination: Our Call to Ministry (2 Corinthians 4:1-12)
We are setting apart this one and calling him a minister. But what is a minister?
Christian Life: The Light of Your Life (John 11:34-36; 42-50)
Many seem to live in the dark, to have their minds blackened by their refusal to live in the light.
Father’s Day: From Father, with Love
(Author's Note: This message was written while anticipating the birth of our first child -- who turned out to be twin boys.)
Faith is a Verb
Faith is never just some fuzzy belief about something opaque and indefinite.
Commitment: The Serious Business of Following Jesus
The encounter of three men during the travels of Jesus is a story of shifting perspectives.
Apathy in the Pew: Preaching to the Uninvolved (Part Two)
A. Challenge the Assumptions They Live ByAll of us live out of our assumptions and presuppositions about life. One way to hook my interest, if not my anger, is to challenge or attack the presuppositions I live ... Continue Reading...
Apathy in the Pew: Preaching to the Uninvolved (Part One)
The story of Eutychus (Acts 20:7-9) is a two-edged sword. It cuts on one side with humor and on the other with tragedy. Yet this story is repeated unknown times in churches each Sunday. Those of us who face our... Continue Reading...