Lord of the Rings Chat

Who do you see as the Christ-figure in "The Lord of the Rings?" Check out what Jim Ware, co-author of "<a href=http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product/?item_no=355715&event=SRC&item_code=&p=1007740 target=lotr>Finding God in the Lord of the Rings</a>" had to say in our Chat.

Chat Blast!

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to chat in a room with over 100 people in it? Join us and see how crazy it can be as we attempt to break the record of 106 people in the VWBug room. We'll also be trying to break our chat train record of 85 people, as well as playing Bible Trivia and BibleBot Mania, and Word Scramble. Join us for our Bi-annual Chat Blast. There will be prizes! <b>Thursday, Dec. 27 9-10:30 p.m. ET in the Playroom.</b>

Harry Potter Chat

When asked the difference between the "Potter" books and other works by Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, expert Richard Abanes replied, "Rowling's books ... glamorizes sinful behavior." Check out the rest of what he had to say in our Harry Potter Chat event.

Blair is in the house

Lisa answered questions about her book, "Creative Correction," as well as questions about her "Facts of Life Reunion" and her family road trip. Read the transcripts to see what you missed.

Jerry Jenkins Chat

He's written "Hometown Legend", now a motion picture, as well as written the best selling series, "Left Behind". See what best-selling author, Jerry Jenkins, had to say in our LIVE Chat event.

Author Chat – Kent Crockett

How we live our lives today defines how we will be spending eternity. Join us for a live Chat event with Kent Crockett, author of "<a href=http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=37403&p=1007208 target=_new>Making Today Count for Eternity</a>", and ask him your questions. <i>(There will be prizes!)</i><BR><B>Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 9 p.m. ET in the Auditorium.</b>

Stormie Omartian Chat

<P>Have you struggled with your prayer life?  Maybe you think that it isn't worth the time or effort.  Come chat with best selling author, Stormie Omartian, as she talks about the power of prayer and any other questions you may have. <BR><STRONG>Thursday, Sept. 27 at 9 p.m. ET in the Auditorium.</STRONG></P>

Chat with Lisa Whelchel

You may remember her as Blair from the T.V. show, "Facts of Life". Now she is a homeschool mom on the road. Come ask her your questions and see what she has to say about her road trip across America. <b>Thursday, Aug. 23 at 9 p.m. ET in the Auditorium.</b>

Kay Arthur Chat

What questions do you have for one of today's most prominent bible study leaders? What would you like to know about her life of learning and teaching? Don't miss our LIVE Chat event with Kay Arthur. <b>TONIGHT at 9:00 pm ET in the Auditorium</b>.