
In Reed, North Carolina, you will find the Reed gold mine. It was first excavated in 1799 when Conrad Reed discovered a strange rock on the Reed farm...


In the heart of Quebec City is a church called Our Lady of the Victories. It was built to commemorate two victories won by the French over the British in 1690 and 1711...


In the basement of America's largest home, the Biltmore mansion in Asheville, North Carolina, you can see a model of the struc­ture. The model was completed first as a guide to build the home...

Caring, Salvation

Maurice Stokes was voted into the basket­ball Hall of Fame in 2004, 30 years after his death. Stokes' promising career was cut short when he was paralyzed during the final game of the 1958 season...


An older lady, who had no affinity for con­temporary worship, was complaining about a particular song used in the worship service at her church...


In Melbourne, Florida, firefighters got so consumed with an emergency they forgot to turn off a fryer in their kitchen and started a fire in their own station.


An old Frank and Ernest comic shows Frank asking Ernest, "Which would you rather do?Watch virtue triumph in a movie, or evil triumph in a newscast?"Sometimes it seems we can't see virtue triumph anywhere, but the Bible tells us that eventually God will triumph over evil.