The Gospel of Yes
We often get things backwards, and we experience a revelation when presented with reality--such as the fact that while God is against sin, He's wildly and passionately for us.
Preaching Essentials: A Practical Guide
There are rules for preaching just as there are for other forms of writing and public speaking.
Preaching Doctrine: An Interview with Robert Smith
Professor and preacher Robert Smith says the basic that we most need to learn is to patiently wait for and rely on the Holy Spirit to teach us the truths He has for us.
Back Page Pulpit: Vacations for Preachers
Why do we choose the hottest time of year to travel to destinations, where we attempt to relax and get away from our regular routines?
Preaching and the Family: An Interview with Dave Stone
Traditional American families are in danger, and churche are in prime positions to be able to help stop the damage being done to the family unit.
Thanks for the Investment
The legacy of a seminarian, professor and mentor lives on in those whose lives he touched.
Back Page Pulpit: You know the sermon is in trouble when
Back Page Pulpit: You know the sermon is in trouble when
Preaching and the Holy Spirit: An Interview with Jim Cymbala
Being tuned into and aligned with the Holy Spirit leads to the amazing reality that we can be in the right time and place to serve God if our hearts are open to His leading.
2011’s Best Books in Preaching
Preachers love to read books, to be surrounded by books, to know which new books are going to be the most beneficial to them in the coming year; so here's the list to pursue in 2012.