And A Preacher In A Pear Tree?

In the spirit of the holidays (to be sung to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas"): On the first day of Christmas, my preacher gave to me, A sermon on the birth of a King. On the second day of Christmas, my preacher gave to me, Two Christmas plays,...

2005 Survey Of Bibles And Bible Reference

Charles Spurgeon once observed, "Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years." No one better understands that truth than the preacher who spends years digging deep into the truths of God's Word. With the Bible as the source of our...

A Pre-Owned Rose Is Still A Used Flower

I've written on this subject before, but the examples just keep coming. We live in a culture in which people don't always want to come out and say what they mean - particularly those people who are trying to sell us something. We've always had euphemisms around - "senior" instead of old, "pre-owned" instead of...