Planting Missional Churches
This nuts-and-bolts guidebook is the second edition of the book, but with significant additions and alterations to the earlier edition.
Burning Bridges: Why Leaders Need to Build Positive Relationships
What can pastors and ministry leaders learn from the collapse of the Ted Cruz campaign?
Preaching Unpopular Truth
It's becoming increasingly important for the church to boldly and clearly proclaim biblical truth, even when it is unpopular.
Illustration: Thankful again
A young pastor sat down to dinner with his new bride and was about to say grace when he opened the casserole dish...
Steampunk Gospel: Reaching Tween Gamers with Scriptural Truth
Online adventure game The Aetherlight retells the epic story of Scripture in an exciting steampunk world filled with quests, puzzles, crafting and more.
[Video] Bill Hybels – Coffee with God
Whiteboard Session 1: Coffee with God. Bill Hybels explains the importance of meeting with God every day.
Illustration: Finances, Discounts
The policeman was interviewing the man whose clothing shop had just been burglarized.The shop owner said, "It's not as bad as it could have been if he'd robbed me yesterday..."
6 Reasons Your Members Are Not Attending Church
Many faithful believers aren't attending church like they used to. Here are some reasons they've stopped showing up on Sunday.
Illustration: Family, On the Same Team
"These two men had many more reasons to get along than to have a toxic relationship. Consider all the reasons they had to be friends...: