Keep Asking Questions Richard W. Jensen Asking questions makes you more of a leader, not less. READ MORE
Preaching So They Can Understand Richard W. Jensen Preaching delivered to the spectrum of education levels READ MORE
And Finally: The Holy Grail…of Britain Richard W. Jensen A cup walks into a, wait...a bowl walks into a pub... READ MORE
When Your Food Gets too Smart Richard W. Jensen It all began when we couldn't program our VCRs, but now our food might be smarter than we are... READ MORE
The Fifth Gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke, JohnYou Richard W. Jensen Your life has a purpose, which is to proclaim the truth you know about what God has done for you in the way that only you are able. No one else knows what you know about how God has interacted with you and intervened in your life. READ MORE
Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times Richard W. Jensen The church can and should be a postive cultural influence. READ MORE
Illustration: The Distance of Pride Richard W. Jensen Pride creates rifts where none ought to be. READ MORE
Preaching on Hard Subjects Richard W. Jensen Being a preacher of God's Word first means being a student of God's Word and of all that life has to teach you. READ MORE
Dealing with Discouragement Richard W. Jensen Though you are going through a valley, God is good and will rectify all wrongs in His perfect timing. READ MORE