Ipcha Mistabra: On the Contrary… Mark Cornelius When examining a situation, what appears to be false at first turns out to be reality when seen as it truly is. READ MORE
Leaving Christ at the Altar: Honest Altar Calls Dustin Leimgruber Does your weekly life following the Sunday worship service leave Christ as the altar, awaiting your return? READ MORE
Going Far Together: Doing Sermon Prep in Community Tim Culling Iron sharpens iron: Three pastors have found that their sermons are strengthened when they share perspectives during sermon prep time. READ MORE
The Psalms as Christian Lament: A Historical Commentary Richard W. Jensen How does one preach and teach the psalms? The Book of Psalms presents interesting challenges for preachers and teachers. READ MORE
Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society Richard W. Jensen Postmodernism and a pluralistic culture make for new challenges in youth ministry. READ MORE
12-Step Internet Recovery Program Richard W. Jensen There is life outside and apart from the Internet. READ MORE
A Healthy Perspective Can Mean Pastoral Longevity Richard W. Jensen Always remain open and loving toward people, including those who hurt and have hurt you. READ MORE
Keeping a Healthy Perspective Richard W. Jensen There always will be an internal reckoning that no one can take away from you. READ MORE
Illustration: Worry, Anxiety Richard W. Jensen Faith can be tested by worry, but faith in Christ must prevail. READ MORE
And Finally: Inexperienced (Canine) Driver Richard W. Jensen Any parent knows its sometimes hard to keep up with little ones, but even puppies can take you on a wild ride. READ MORE