Last Supper

Visitors to Milan, Italy, are often disappointed when they see DaVinci's famous painting "The Last Supper." It was painted on the wall of a monastery dining room and by now the colors are so faint you can barely see the painting. Restoration has been going on for years with little success

Partial Knowledge

In his book The Man Who Was Thursday G.K. Chesterton put these words in the mouth of one of his characters: "We have only known the back of the world." It must certainly be remembered that our knowledge of the world is partial. Paul said we see through a glass darkly. Looking at the world

Joy In Salvation

Dr. William Ott and his wife spent their 1986 vacation ministering in the Philippines. Working hard in a politically unstable area and spending several thousand dollars of their own money, they upgraded the training and equipment of a mission sponsored dental clinic. All they got on the h

Intercessory Prayer

Eighteen-year-old Hudson Taylor wandered into his father's library and read a gospel tract. He couldn't shake off its message. Finally, falling to his knees, he accepted Christ as his Savior. Later his mother, who had been away, returned home. When Hudson told her the good news, she said,


I saw an interesting political cartoon the other day in the paper. John Tower was on the witness stand and was asked: "What would you do if we rejected your nomination on the grounds that you're a boozing womanizer?" His reply: "Move to Massachusetts and run for the U.S. Senate…

Instruction of Children

One percent of the child's time is spent under the influence of the Sunday school: seven percent under the influence of the public school; 92 percent under the influence of the home. -Albert S. Taylor