And Finally: Special Treatment Richard W. Jensen Excuse me, but there appears to be a frog in my salad. READ MORE
Signs in the Kitchen Richard W. Jensen Comfort comes from our kitches, but so does cleverness from our cooks. READ MORE
Don’t Be Afraid to Preach Your Passion Richard W. Jensen What had God gifted you to care about so strongly that you cannot stop speaking about it? Preach about that. READ MORE
Adversity as Catalyst for Greatness Richard W. Jensen Allow adversity push you to greatness rather than be an excuse to sit on the sideline. READ MORE
Speak Like a Parent Richard W. Jensen Those who provide shelter and nurture to certain short people sharing their homes develop a language all their own. READ MORE
The 10 Best Decisions a Leader Can Make Richard W. Jensen In some respects, all leaders have to make some common decisions, and leaders can take the initiative to lead for themselves in many cases. READ MORE
Essential Eschatology: Our Present and Future Hope Richard W. Jensen The end times fill many with trepidation, but some eschatologists argue this period is a time for our greatest hope. READ MORE
Illustration: Eternity in Our Souls Richard W. Jensen What does your soul tell you about time and eternity? READ MORE