
Mark Twain compared himself favorably to George Washington. He noted that he had a higher standard than the first President. George Washington could not tell a lie. Twain said the he could tell a lie but he wouldn't! -Robert Shannon, Preaching March/April 1999

Personal Dedication

There are three types of Christians who respond to the call of service: 1. Rowboat Christians - have to be pushed. 2. Sailboat Christians - always go with the wind. 3. Steamboat Christians - make up their minds where they ought to go and go there regardless of wind and weather. -Sermons

Mothers – To Be Honored

Did you know that the idea for Mother's Day was born in a small Methodist church in Grafton, West Virginia? It was 1876 and the nation still mourned the Civil War dead. While teaching a Memorial Day lesson, Mrs. Anna Reeves Jarvis thought of mothers who had lost their sons. She prayed


Howard Hendricks shares this insight about the value of learning: When I was a college student - I worked in the college dining hall, and on my way to work at 5:30 every morning I walked past the home of one of my professors. Through a window I could see the light on at his desk, morning

Personal Dedication

Some of mankind's greatest contributions have come from people who decided that no sacrifice was too large and no effort too great to accomplish what they set out to do. Edward Gibbon spent 26 yeas writing The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Noah Webster worked dilige


A new building was opening, and one of the owner's friends wanted to send flowers for the occasion. They arrived at the new business site and the owner read the card. It said, "Rest in Peace." The owner was angry and called the florist to complain. After he told the florist of the obviou

Personal Dedication

Some years ago I was told of a young Jewish man from the United States who decided to go to Israel and live. After working there for two years he was required either to serve in the army for a given period of time or to return home. He decided to join the army. His father was a good frien

Mortality of Man

The Breakdown of Years "Man's life is made up of 20 years of his mother asking him where he is going, 40 years of his wife asking him where he has been and one hour at his funeral when everyone wonders where he is going." -Sermon Builder

Personal Dedication

Joe Gibbs Joe Gibbs, a coach of monk-like dedication, was in a party mood after his Washington Redskins routed the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl XXII. "I was just getting ready to go out and have some fun for the first time in six months," says Gibbs, who sleeps at the office three nigh