What Women Wish Their Preacher Knew

Many Christian women today view the sermon-the proclamation of the gospel-as the centerpiece of the worship experience. They yearn for the serious pastor to stand with integrity in the pulpit, open his Bible to a particular text, and preach deep, accurate, biblical theology.

God, Athiesm

Some young people have put up a web site to foster atheism that invites young people to commit the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and dare God to send them to hell. More than 400 young people have taken the challenge. Those who take the challenge are sent a free copy of a documentary that promotes ath


Let's suppose somebody claimed to be the greatest baseball fan of all times. We might ask him, "What makes you the biggest fan ever? Do you know more about the game than anyone else? Have you, for instance, memorized all the stats?" "Nope, they're not important."


In the "Flo and Friends" comic, a younger woman is talking to an older man called Mr. O. She asks, "Do you ever hold grudges, Mr. O?" He replies, "Absolutely Not! Never!" The young woman continues, "Yeah, I guess life's too short, huh?" Mr. O rep


A business owner had developed what he considered to be a good relationship with a younger employee. The younger employee began on a downward spiral and his job was on the line. The business man brought in the young man and said to him, "You're just like a son to me." "Oh really?


During World War II, preacher and theologian Helmut Thielieke, came to his bombed out church in Stuttgart. Because of the damage, he had to gather the church in the choir loft. He began his sermon by saying, "Now we continue our series on the Lord's Prayer." The sermon he preached