Whose Valley?

This sermon on faith, a brief reflection on Psalm 23, encourages us with this thought: Our lord himself has passed through the valley of the shadow of death for us. We need not fear any evil. Our salvation is not maintained by our fragile faith. But we are kept by the power of God. Our forgiveness is in His shed blood. In our crisis of faith, the long pause the deep breath, we must not lose heart for hope flies on the wings of the dawn.

He Came Back

A risen Savior comes back -- again and again -- to the very ones (I'm talking about us!) who so betray and disappoint Him. He appears to us, seeks us, finds, grabs us, embraces, holds. As this Easter sermon attests, in life, in death, in life beyond death, this is our hope. The risen Christ came back to us.

March-April 2007 – Vol. 22, No. 5

Articles in this issue include The Year's Best Books for Preachers by R. Albert Mohler, Jr., How to Handle a Hot Potat Preaching on Sensitive Subjects by Joe McKeever, Using Humor in the Pulpit by V. Neil Wyrick, Preaching the Kingdom of God by Ryan Baltrip, Finding the Timeless Truth by Phil Wood.