Finding the Timeless Truth
Somewhere in the process of sermonizing the preacher must turn up the heat on the passage and himself and discover the timeless, universal truth that remains
Rebuilding for the Future
Nehemiah 4:1-6
Sometimes churches spend too much time talking about what we need to do and not enough time doing what needs to be done. Sometimes we seem to value planning and discussing more than we value doing.
Have you seen those excellent television commercials advertising the Royal Bank
A Faith That Won’t Quit!
Matthew 15:21-28
Have you ever had someone that you didn't get along with? Maybe it was someone you had just me, and you simply didn't "click." Or maybe you were taught by your family not to like certain people. One of the most famous family feuds in American history i
Ambrose Bierce once wrote, "An abstainer is a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure." Surely this is the logic of a world that imagines God as a cosmic kill joy. God wants us to have noble pleasures.
Why Preach Biblical Prophecy?
Whatever may be our theological system, this is the end of the doctrinal encyclopedia that generally gets scant utterance in the typical evangelical pulpit.
Prayer, Sin
A little boy was overheard praying, "Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a real good time like I am."Is this the unspoken prayer of many to whom we preach?