Training of Children

Belsky cites such studies as a 1982 one in which preschool personnel observed that children who had been in group day care since infancy seemed more anxious, aggressive and hyperactive. Another study was conducted in 1984. It looked at a group of 107 toddlers, some of whom had been in day care more than 20 hours...

How Do You View God?

Exodus 34:6 The title of the lead article in USA Today on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 recorded: "View of God Can Reveal Your Values Politics." Sociologists at Baylor University conducted the new national survey of 1,721 Americans, consisting of 77 questions, with almost 400 answer

How to Fix CCM

For years now some of us have been agitating for a change in the way "Christian music" did its business.Today, we're surprised but pleased to see so many bands with Christian roots making such strong headway in... Continue Reading...


Bishop Hall wrote: It is not the arithmetic of our prayers - how many they are. Nor the rhetoric of our prayers - how eloquent they are. Nor the geometry of our prayers - how long they are. Nor the music of our prayers-how sweet they are. Nor the logic of our prayers - how argumentative the


Charles Darrow was the inventor of the famous game, "Monopoly." When he first pitched the idea to Parker Brothers, they rejected it. They even gave him fifty-two reasons why the game would not sell. Darrow produced his own homemade version and convinced a local department store

Famous Last Words

2 Samuel 23:1-7 Pancho Villa, the Mexican revolutionary, who died in 1923, said, "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something." If you had the chance to reflect on what your last words would be, what would you say? It's not known if these were the last words