
A young lady told a friend she was going to get married. The man she was going to marry was known to be a big eccentric. Her friend said, "Don't do this. Everyone thinks he is a little cracked." "He may be cracked," said the woman, "but he certainly isn

Thankful The Present Is Purposeful

Hebrews 10:11-25 These three Sundays leading to Thanksgiving have focused on the work of Christ at the cross to forgive and cleanse us of sin and obtain our eternal redemption. Many would say, using a movie title from a few years ago, "Heaven Can Wait." Christians have been acc


When Roman Catholic Bishop Romeo Blanchett was told he had terminal cancer, he said to his radio audience, "A terminal disease is not something that should bring despair….Everybody is terminal from the day he is born. Some of us are told a little more clearly that is going to co

Thankful The Future Is Secured

Hebrews 9:24-28 A car accident occurred in the small town where I was a pastor. A mother and three children from out-of-town were injured and taken to the emergency room. I was called to the hospital and asked to wait with the nine-year-old daughter. I tried to calm her and give assurance

Forgiveness / Reconcilliation

Mitsuo Fuchida flew the lead plane and led of the attack against Pearl Harbor. He was the sole survivor of the seven commanders and squadron leaders he led. Among his adventures were six crashes at sea. While undergoing an appendectomy, the ship he was on was hit by a bomb which broke both


John Killinger tells the story of a strange custom among the Jivaro tribe in Ecuador. Every night, when tribe members tuck their children into bed, they whisper in their ears the names of people they must hate when they get older. In that way they keep their grudges and feuds alive for the n


A man passed out a card, at his daughters wedding, with these words engraved on it: I am the Father of the Bride. Nobody is paying much attention to me today. But, I can assure you that I am getting my share of attention, for the banks and several business firms are watching me very closely


Barbara Nicolosi used to be a nun, but became a screen writer. She was asked to leave her order because of her desire to aggressively evangelize through the media. She has created a special program to recruit and mentor Christian screen writers. She has trained more than 300 writers who hav


A Montreal priest was fined $150 when city leaders said his church's electronic billboard, which displayed Bible messages, was a form of advertising. The minister, Charles-Eugene Apesteguy said he just wanted to "bring good news," and that the messages are not advertising. Apesteguy's