Legend Has It

I received a couple of emails about Mars coming amazingly close to earth on August 27. Maybe you got the same email, which begins this way: "The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest app

Communicating For A Change

Communicating For A ChangeMultnomah, Hardcover, 199 pages, $19.99. ISBN 1-59052-514-0By: Andy Stanley and Lane Jones The challenge of communicating biblical truth in the 21st century requires diligent preparation and creative thinking. But does it also require a new structure? Andy Stanley and

Find Jesus

Luke 2:41-52 Recently, I was watching the television game show "The Family Feud." In this particular episode, contestants were asked: "Name a place where you can count on to find your spouse?" The implication is that we all have places where others can ordinarily fi

Trusting The Promises Of God

Luke 1:39-55 We've all heard or even made promises that never came to fruition. For example, we've listened to the sales person at the hardware store tells us that the car battery we are about to purchase will last ten years, only to have it die in ten months. Perhaps we'


President Theodore Roosevelt was known to go to church and sing the hymns louder than anyone else. This led to a story that made the rounds during his administrations. Recorded by Paul Boller Jr., the story imaginedRoosevelt on his first day in heaven. Roosevelt went to St. Peter and said,

Sin & Temptation

In a Dennis the Menace comic panel, Dennis articulates a problem all of us have. He said to his mother as he was being put in time out, "I'm not good at being bad, I'm just bad at being good." _______________ J. Michael Shannon is professor of preaching at Cincinnat

Stress Maintenance

Philippians 4:4-7 A stressed person is much like a stressed lawn. No longer healthy and alive they begin to resemble a walking corpse. Maybe some vestiges of life remain underneath, but to the watching world, the stressed person is unhealthy and dying. Sitting in a jail cell in a prison