Taking Up Crosses

Mark 8:27-38What did Jesus mean when He said His followers had to "take up their cross"? What does it mean for us?"Cross." What comes to mind for most people today when they hear that word?"Cross?" Oh, that's the decorative altar ornament or something that rests on top of a church steeple or a piec

The Cross

Someone published a book picturing the many shapes of the cross. It has been stylized in a dozen ways. There is a Latin cross, a Greek cross, an Egyptian cross, a Jerusalem cross, a cross of St. Andrew, and an iron cross. Artists and architects have modified its basic form in many ways. I s


Earlier this year, on Capitol Hill, the entire Bible was read aloud. It was the 17th annual Bible Reading Marathon, and was held on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol. It went on for 90 hours straight. Those ... Continue Reading...

A Place At The Table

Mark 7:24-37 An elderly woman who was a member of the church I pastured once invited me over for a gathering of her friends. She answered the door and showed me to the living room, her aged dog with yellow teeth, growling at my heels, which I was certain any moment would become milk bone b

A Response To Doug Pagitt

I just finished reading the interview with Doug Pagitt (Preaching, May-June 2006, pp. 35-40). I also appreciated the opportunity to hear him talk about preaching, and to dialogue with him at the National Conference on Preaching. Both encounters have stimulated my thinking. Here are a few emergin

Past Masters: Alexander Maclaren

When Alexander Maclaren entered the study in his home at 9 every morning to take up his sermon preparation, he would kick off his slippers and put on heavy outdoor work boots as a reminder to himself of the hard work he was about to do. It was this work ethic - coupled with his deep devotion to

Preaching Hits 21 – And Gets A New Home

Many of my friends from college and seminary days now have children in college and beyond. Since my two boys are only 10 and 6, I have a hard time relating to issues of empty nests and kids moving out. (By the way, as a service to my favorite readers, I am including a picture of these two handso

The Offensive Christ

John 6:56-69 Jonathan Edwards, the eighteenth-century theologian and preacher, stated: "Resolved: To follow Christ with all my heart. Resolved also: Whether others do or not, I will." Here was a man who knew Christ, loved Christ, and was willing to follow Christ wherever he led

The Controversial Christ

John 6:51-58 The most controversial subject one can engage another in is not politics, not AIDS, not the death penalty, and not the type of music preformed in worship. The most controversial discussion centers on Jesus. If you don't believe me try this experiment the next time you ar

May-June 2006, Vol. 21, No. 6

Cover Story: Passing the Baton: An Interview with Bob Russell and Dave Stone. Other articles inlcude Keys to Communication by Ed Young, Jr., The 7 Axioms of Sermon Delivery by Calvin Miller, Preaching as Dialogue: An Interview with Doug Pagitt