The New Pastor’s Guide To Leading Worship

New pastors are always in need of practical resources that will help them hit the ground running in ministry. The New Pastor's Guide To Leading Worship (Abingdon) by Barbara Day Miller (Assistant Dean of Worship at Candler School of Theology) offers a brief guide to leading worship in many se

Whatever Happened To Truth

On that issue of postmodernism, another valuable book for preachers and teachers is Whatever Happened To Truth (Crossway), edited by Andreas Köstenberger and including essays by R. Albert Mohler, J.P. Moreland, and Kevin J. Vanhoozer. The authors recognize the challenge posed by postmode

A Guide To Preaching

A Guide To Preaching (SPCK), edited by Roger Bowen, is a basic study guide for beginning preachers. The volume covers a wide range of issues, including giving attention to preaching in non-western settings (which may make this book of particular value for preachers in the developing world).

Preparing Sunday Dinner

In an effort to "renew worship as an energizing part of Christian living and congregational life," the authors of Preparing Sunday Dinner (Herald Press) use the metaphor of worship as a sustaining and nourishing meal. June Yoder, Marlene Kropf and Rebecca Slough write out of their own Mennoni

Preaching And Teaching The Psalms

The Psalms continue to bless and teach us in unique ways, and James L. Mays offers an interesting guide for pastors in Preaching And Teaching The Psalms (Westminster John Knox). The first half of the book is actually a collection of articles, essays and lectures developed by Mays - now Profess

Kindled Fire

InKindled Fire (Christian Focus), Zack Eswine discusses the preaching insights of Charles H. Spurgeon, and applies those insights to the needs of contemporary preachers. Eswine, who teaches preaching at Covenant Seminary, offers us a chance to "apprentice" with Spurgeon in this well-written and help


News reports recently carried the story concerning Lester Lange of Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Lange just celebrated his 108th birthday. He does not take medication. He has most of his original teeth and lives a happy life. When he was asked how to live a long and happy life, Lange said, "Keep