
When it comes to learning the unvarnished truths about life, ask a child. The following pearls of wisdom from children have been making rounds on the web: 1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats. 2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair. 3) If


It actually happened in a Sunday School class of boys long ago. The teacher asked each lad to quote a Bible verse as the offering was taken. One said, "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver." Another said, "Blessed is he that considereth the poor." A third boy blurted out, "A fool and his money


In the Agnes comic strip, Agnes declares to her friend, "I have found no causes that I think would be worth all the emotion that I would have to devote to it. From now on, the devotion of my emotion will be for self-promotion." Haven't we all met a few people like that? _______________ J


In her recent book, Team of Rivals, Doris Kearns Goodwin focuses on the political genius of Abraham Lincoln. Goodwin notes that after Lincoln won the presidential election, he put his Republican rivals on his cabinet. This displayed two important facets of leadership. First, it showed that L

(Lack Of) Wisdom

Sometimes people just don't use their common sense. A man once recounted this incident at an airport. He said "I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an airport employee asked, 'Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?' To which I replied, 'If it was witho


In World War I, in a British section of the Western Front, just a few miles back from the front lines, was a hut named Talbot House. It was a meeting place for men going up to the trenches and men coming back. In the hut loft Communion was served - truly an upper room and literally a last s


Communicating with clarity is a challenging endeavor. Consider these supposedly true citations and responses between airline pilots and mechanics: P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement. M: Almost replaced left inside main tire. P: Something loose in cockpit. M: Something t


A six-year-old girl and her four-year-old brother were sitting together in church. The little boy laughed, sang and talked out loud. Finally, the little girl had had enough. "You're not supposed to talk out loud in church." "Why? Who's going to stop me?" the little boy asked. His sister poin


Many people fear getting older, but the longer you live the more you are in a position to develop wisdom. Here are some observations and bits of advice concerning getting older: 1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. 2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can g