That’ll Be The Day!

2 Peter 3:3-14 The apostle Peter chimes right in with the prophets of old. There's coming a day of revelation and reckoning, a day of utter ruin and fabulous restoration. Evil will one day be destroyed and the rescue of creation will one day be complete. As Buddy Holly sang, "That&#

Jacob And The Scandal Of Faith

This sermon on faith looks at Jacob, the man who wouldn't admit to failure in anything. For Jacob, it was all about coming out on top - all about winning. And Jacob usually found a way to get what he wanted. But God was about to give him a second chance to get it right.

The Rock That Rolled

Grief, Pain, Fear. Monuments too heavy for anybody to budge. And the Prince of Darkness, the spirit that distracts and distresses and destroys, sits on the top of that stone, cleaning his nails with a switchblade knife. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge him! This Easter messages asks, "Who will roll the stone away?" Not three grieving women. Not you. Not me. Only one Man can do it: The Man with the Power.


In his book, A Better Way to Live, Og Mandino reported that Andrew Carnegie once said that there are two types of people who fail to achieve much in life. The first is the person who won't do what he or she is told to do, and the second is the person who does no more that what he or she