The Preacher As God’s Steward

Scripture is under attack in our time as provincial, partial, and nonapplicable - even in some conventional churches. Tradition is viewed by many as too binding, and there is a growing revolt to be independent from the past, to break with what has been valued, thought, said, and done by sainted


In Stockholm, Sweden, a lady was pinned beneath a streetcar. She was seriously injured and bleeding badly. A crowd collected. They tried to move the streetcar, but it was too heavy. There was nothing to do but wait for the heavy equipment to come. She was in great pain. She was losing blood rap

A Year With Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Finally, pastors recognize the importance of a dedicated and dynamic devotional life. In addition to scripture, many of us find value in using devotional insights of other believers. This year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian who opposed Hit

Christianity In The Academy

Church leaders with an interest in higher education will want to take a look at Christianity In The Academy (Baker Academic) by Harry Lee Poe. He talks about the challenges facing American higher education in a postmodern age, explores the integration of faith and learning in the context of Christia

The Resurrection Of Jesus

With Easter approaching, we will once again be offered a variety of perspectives in the traditional seasonal stories in American newsmagazines. (Every year at Easter and Christmas, Time and Newsweek rediscover the church.) For those interested in a more substatntive treatment of the debate


For those who are curious about the continuing emergence of the "emerging church" - or those interested in seeing what is happening in church life in the United Kingdom - Michael Moynagh's emergingchurch.intro (Monarch Books) will be of interest. Moynagh offers a sympathetic survey of many of the

Make The Word Come Alive

Earlier in this issue, Ron Allen writes about things laypeople wish they could tell their pastor about preaching, based on a major research project. Make The Word Come Alive (Chalice Press), edited by Allen and Mary Allice Mulligan, is based on that same research. In it, the observations of

Ministry In The Image Of God

As ministers driven by the day-to-day demands of church life, it is easy for us to focus almost exclusively on the pragmatic side of ministry, to the exclusion of thinking theologically about what we do. Ministry In The Image Of God (InterVarsity Press) by Stephen Seamands helps us think more deep

Preaching And Story: An Interview With Max Lucado

Through nearly 50 books which have sold more than 28 million copies, Max Lucado has become one of the best-known preachers in America. Since 1987 he has been Pulpit Minster at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. A former missionary to Brazil, Max has been featured in national television prog