Learning How To Love

1 John 4:7-11 JESUS CHRIST said, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another: By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13: 34,35). Jesus Christ and His teachings tower over

Sexual Purity

A beautiful blond senior shares: "When we date, we start giving gifts, like flowers or candy. When a couple becomes engaged, they give special things - a diamond and very personal things. The most personal gift that I can ever give is myself. I have nothing more precious to give. When I marry, I want to give my husband the...

Love’s Secret Ingredient

1 Corinthians 13:5 Today I would like to think with you about love's secret ingredient. Claim the words from 1 Corinthians with me. "Love is patient and kind. It is not jealous or boastful. It is not arrogant or rude. Love never insists on its way." These are from one of the m

How NOT To Guilt Our Listeners To Death

Will The Real Convert Please Stand Up? You are heading to your office after finishing a sermon on "The White-Hot Holiness Of God." The theme was somber, to say the least, and the congregation seemed quietly contemplative - too hard to gauge whether or not the message hit home. You

The Year’s Best Preaching Books – 2005 Reviews

The past year offered a great selection of new books on preaching, including our 2006 Preaching Book of the Year, The Art Craft of Biblical Preaching, edited by Haddon Robinson and Craig Brian Larsen and published by Zondervan. (See further down for moreinformation on this title.) Several of the m

The Year’s Best Books For Preachers – 2006

Elegies for the demise of the printed word regularly appear, and observers of the age point to the elevation of the image at the expense of the word. Nevertheless, books continue to sell by the millions and publishers rush to expand their catalogs. Clearly, something is happening. The much-heralded