Shine The Light

2 Corinthians 4:3-6 In his book Just Like Jesus Max Lucado tells about a lady who lived about a hundred years ago. Although she was wealthy she was tight with her money. That is why neighbors were surprised when they saw workmen installing wires for electricity. Several weeks later the meter reader...

2005 Survey Of Bibles And Bible Reference

Charles Spurgeon once observed, "Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years." No one better understands that truth than the preacher who spends years digging deep into the truths of God's Word. With the Bible as the source of our...

The Divine “Yes”

2 Corinthians 1:18-22 Imagine a preacher who preached an estimated sixty thousand sermons. He also wrote many books, two of which sold over a million copies. His ministry took him around the world many times. Yet even with those credentials and accomplishments, when he faced the possibility of dying...

How God Heals The Sin-Sick Soul

2 Kings 5:1-14 No doubt, some today might take exception to seventeenth century Bible interpreter, Benjamin Keach, who said, "By the plague of leprosy, all expositors agree, was represented the hateful nature of sin." (Preaching for the Types and Metaphors of the Bible. Kregel [1855] 1972, pp....


Earl Allen told the story of how King Ptolemy decided to commission the building of a huge lighthouse. He ordered Sostratus to construct it. The lighthouse was called "The Pharos" Ptolemy required that the structure should bear his name, but Sostratus did not think the king should be given sole...

Renewable Spiritual Energy

Mark 1:35-39 After a long day of ministry and a short night of rest, Jesus got up before dawn and slipped out of the house. Later others woke up. Someone, maybe Peter, asked, "Where's Jesus?" No one knew. As the little fishing village of Capernaum began to stir, the disciples asked...


Ivan S. Prokhanov was an evangelical preacher in Russia in the early part of this century. He was arrested at gunpoint. Several times he was put in prison. During the Bolshevik reign of terror he nearly starved to death. One winter he nearly froze to death. He wrote a book, In the Cauldron...

Clark Kent or Superman?

In a recent Knight Ridder news service article on the Holy Spirit, Michael Clerkley, pastor of Lighthouse of Church of God in Christ, had this to say about the Holy Spirit's role in a Christian's life: "We are Clark Kent, but with the Holy Ghost, we become Superman." Immediately the images of Superman...