A Matter Of Trust

Matthew 25:14-30 In this passage we find ourselves in the middle of a series of statements Jesus made about the absence, but imminent return of a master. In Matthew 24:36-44, Jesus spoke of His return and He said "No one knows the day and hour, not even the angels of...

Proclamation Demands An Invitation

Sometime ago I was invited to preach in a church that emphasizes relationships. The individual who called made it clear that their pastor does not give an invitation at the conclusion of his message. "We don't want to put people on the spot" was the way he phrased it. Politely I informed the...

Listening To Listeners: Homiletical Case Studies

Listening to Listeners: Homiletical Case Studies (Chalice Press) grew out of a study (funded by the Lilly Endowment) to evaluate how people listen to sermons. The authors - Joh McClure, Ron Allen, Dale Andrews, L. Susan Bond, Dan Moseley and G. Lee Ramsey - interviewed more than 260 laypeople ...

Don’t Miss The Wedding

Matthew 25:1-13 No matter the custom or culture, weddings are important and revered events. As a pastor I have always been extra sensitive to the nature of a formal wedding. I want everything to be just right. I want everyone to be punctual, especially myself. A number of years ago I...

September-October 2005 ~ Vol. 21, No. 2

Contents Include: "Why Do Men Hate Going to Church? - An Interview with David Murrow", "Negotiating the Red Zone: Taking Your Sermons to a Successful Conclusion" by Joe McKeever, "Sensitive Preaching on Sexual Topics" by Sam Serio, "When Pastors Need a Pastor: An Inte