The Unpaid Debt

Romans 13:8-14 The old adage says, "If your output exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall." Stress is the leading cause of health problems. And stress about making, managing, using and abusing money abounds. Money problems are frequently cited as...

The Value Of One, Two, Or Three

Matthew 18 Sometimes a cartoon says it all. In a "Peanuts" cartoon, Lucy says to Snoopy: "There are times when you really bug me, but I must admit there are also times when I feel like giving you a big hug." Snoopy replies: "That's the way I am . . . huggable and buggable." I suppose we can all identify with...

The Value Of Religion

A Rabbi and a soap maker were walking along and the soap maker questioned the Rabbi by asking, "What good is religion? There's been religion for a long time, but people are still bad to each other" The Rabbi was silent until they say a boy who was dirty from playing in the street. The Rabbi...


A minister once asked a minister friend how large his church attendance had been on the previous Sunday. The man replied, "It was large and respectable." The first minister later found out only two people had come. He confronted his friend, saying "You lied, you said the crowd was...

July-August 2005 ~ Vol. 21, No. 1

Preaching's Twentieth Anniversary Issue Contents Include: "Talking Preaching:For 20 Years, Preaching Magazine Has Interviewed the Nation's Premiere Preachers", "Constant Change" by Rick Ezell, "Preaching: A Scrapbook", "How Do People Listen to Sermons?" by Ronald J. Allen, "To Note or Not to Note" b