A Life Of Passion

Philippians 3:4b-14 When you have it all, it's hard to give it up. I recently went to an estate auction where everything had to be sold, not because of death, but because of divorce. Two million dollars plus was the bottom line. The owner rode his prize show horse in the ring while the bidders nodded their...

To Note Or Not To Note?

My parents grew up in a tradition that viewed preaching notes as a sign that the preacher was not under God's anointing. I joked with them about that when I preached from notes in my first pastorate, which was also my home church. That was over twenty years ago. Since then, I have tried many...

On Jordan’s Stormy Banks

How do you use preaching to lead a congregation through a time of dramatic and unsettling change? As senior minister of the historic Metropolitan Baptist Church in Washington, DC, H. Beecher Hicks has faced that challenge. With a changing community and a ministry that has outstripped their...

How Near Is God?

Exodus 17:1-7 Life is a journey where we will discover the sufficiency of God when we learn to trust Him. However, we would be naive to believe that our faith will go untested on the journey. God's people and God's leaders both have lessons to learn on the journey which cannot be fully understood except...

How Do People Listen To Sermons?

Preachers prepare sermons in the hope that congregations will listen attentively. However, a few years ago it occurred to me that ministers seldom ask listeners, "What qualities in a sermon engage you and disengage you?" Preachers turn to a variety of helps to develop faithful sermons that communicate...

To Die Is Gain

Philippians 1: 20-30 A famous evangelist once said that there was a topic he could address on any occasion with any group without fear of contradiction - the universal nature of death. Perhaps babies should come with a warning label, "birth will be hazardous to your life." There is a one to one correspondence between...


According to the People's Almanac, there was a shower of several thousand rubles that fell in the Gorki region of Russia in 1940. No one has ever been able to completely explain the phenomena. One possible explanation is that a landslide uncovered the treasure and a tornado picked it up and...


For the last 15 years a white haired businessman has been using the name "Jesus Christ." He has a passport, driver's license and social security card with Jesus' name on it. According to the Associated Press, he is having trouble in West Virginia as he prepares for a move there. They won't...

When Christians Differ

Romans 14:1-12 As a student at a small non-denominational Bible college I recall a rather animated debate between two classmates on the issue of a Christian shopping at a grocery store that sold beer. One colleague argued that to frequent such an establishment was an implicit endorsement of the sale and consumption of...