Love For One Another

John 13:31-35 Love can be a very complicated thing. On this particular Sunday, which is Mother's Day, we not only honor our mothers and celebrate the memory of those whose faith is now sight, we also take advantage of a moment to hear a timely reminder from Jesus. I sense it has been expressed through...

The Signature Of The Shepherd

John 10: 22-30 For forty-three years I signed official documents for three colleges and two seminaries. Often I write out the full name complete with middle initial, but in-house documents required only the initials KOG which I have surely signed thousands of times. Putting either my name or initials on...

I Did It Because I Could

1 John 1:8-10; Romans 3:8 Several months ago I, like you, sat in front of the television set listening as former President Bill Clinton was being interviewed by Dan Rather and was reflecting on his life. Obviously, he was promoting his book. Dan Rather put the microphone in his face and asked him the question that...

What Makes A Great Preacher?

As the story goes, on a Sunday night a young pastor was driving home, his wife beside him. It had been a busy weekend at the church. The Sunday night sermon had lasted longer than usual since the preacher felt unusual liberty and unction in the pulpit. They drove in silence for some miles, he...