What In The World Is He Doing?

Acts 2:1-21 I like Sundays with big words: Annunciation, Christmas, Epiphany, Transfiguration, Passion, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. Big words mean big things have happened. Today's big word is Pentecost. It always occurs fifty days after Easter, and it is the celebration of the arrival of...

It Really Is About A Relationship

John 17:1-11 If you could gather in one room all the people who have made a major contribution in your life, what would you like for them to know? What would you tell them? How would you thank them for their interest in you? What would you like for them to say to you? It's an interesting thought, isn't...

What Are We Going To Do Without Him?

Acts 1:1-11 I remember thinking when I was a child about what it would be like without my grandmother. She lived across the road from me, and she had a daily presence in my life. I couldn't imagine what it would be like without her. Essentially, this is...

The Envelope Please . . .

We're in the season of awards - the Emmys, the Grammys, and the "Big Kahuna" of awards shows: the Oscars. By the time you read this, the Oscars will have been presented (Feb. 27), but as I write this a few weeks before the big night, I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction: the best ...


Ninety percent of all the flowers in the world have an unpleasant odor or no odor at all. Yet, we remember the flowers because of the ten percent that are pleasantly fragrant! Ten percent that is given is remembered long after we have forgotten how we spent the ninety percent. The ten...

The Word Made Plain

In the words of the author, "This book is an effort to explain the best of homiletics from the perspective of the Black church."Harris, who teaches preaching at the School of Theology of Virginia Union University in Richmond, offers an interesting discussion of preaching in the African-American church, and ...


In Shakespeare's The Tempest Gonzalo is sailing through a stormy sea that threatens to capsize his vessel. He reminds the boatswain that the king of Naples is a passenger, crying, "Remember whom thou hast aboard!" The boatswain replies, "None that I more love than myself." There are...


When we built Boulder Dam (now Hoover Dam), it was the largest in the world. As is common on such projects, there were the inevitable accidents and some workmen lost their lives. When the dam was complete, they put a plaque into the wall. On it they inscribed the names of the...