
Jesus did not liken the kingdom of God to a diamond, but to a pearl. Of all precious stones, the pearl has the humblest origin. It begins with a wound and is created out of God's resources for healing the wound. So the kingdom begins with a wound, the wound in the body of...


Even those who accomplish great things and receive great recognition also have to endure harsh criticism. The Book of Poisonous Quotes by Colin Jarman records the following assessments: Tchaikovsky said of Handel, "Handel is only fourth rate. He is not even interesting." Anthony...


The Painted Lady is a butterfly that breeds on the edge of the Sahara, flies across the Mediterranean Sea, over the Alps and the Pyrenees, stopping only to lay eggs along the way. She then flies across the English Channel to Scotland and then north to the Orkney Islands where she...


When Queen Elizabeth was crowned they brought to her a sceptre. On the top of it was the star of Africa, the largest diamond in the world. Before that they brought to her a staff. On the top of that staff was a dove, a symbol of their prayer that the Holy Spirit would be her guide. But before...

1001 Quotes, Illustrations & Humorous Stories

Finally, preachers are always on the lookout for good illustrations. Recently Baker Books has combined three previous titles (produced in conjunction with Leadership Journal) to produce 1001 Quotes, Illustrations & Humorous Stories. Edited by Ed Rowell, it's a nice collection with mostly ...

Catching Light: Looking For God In The Movies

Films provide a lens through which we can often better perceive the attitudes and values which pervade our culture. In his book Catching Light: Looking For God In The Movies (Eerdmans), Roy M. Anker deals with 19 movies - from "Star Wars" to "The Godfather" - and shows how they reflect and express...

The Way Back Home

The Way Back Home (Broadman & Holman) by Jerry Sutton is a brief treatment of the parable of the Prodigal Son. Pointing out that we serve a God of second chances, the book is filled with helpful insights and...

Sexual Purity

Dear Ann Landers: I'm a 16 year old girl who didn't think your advice to teenagers who were having sex was either "square" or "unrealistic." I thought it was right on. I have a steady who is very good looking, very smart and very...