The Grand Opening

John 20:19-31 A very sensitive and troubled young woman whom life had dealt some very hard blows - profound physi-cal and relational dysfunction - spent six days in Yosemite Park in California. She needed to heal and get her footing. One day while hiking she spotted a little tuft of grass


John 20:1-18 "On the morning of August 27, 1883, the most stupendous explosion ever recorded took place. It was heard as far away as 3,000 miles. "The whole of the northern and lower part of the island of Krakatoa - lying between Java and Sumatra - had blown off. Stone, dust

I Have a Dream

Matthew 27:11-54 What's it like to be a governor's wife? Pilate's wife might say it depends on the assignment and the governor. Judea certainly wasn't the plum assignment for a civil servant of Rome. The rocky hills and dusty roads were remote from the flurry of parti

It’s A Matter of Life and Death

John 11:1-45 In the hospital my father-in-law went into a coma; medical technology indicated no brain activity. My godly mother-in-law made the decision to disconnect the respirator and trust her husband to the hands of the Great Physician. Like many other families a difficult decision was fa

Send the Light

John 9: 1-41 (NKJV) [A proclamation suggestion: This message could be delivered in a segmented format with the congregation singing a verse of Send the Light (Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932) between the divisions. In a nighttime worship setting, consider doing the introduction with lights out.

January-February 2005 ~ Vol. 20, No. 4

Contents Include: Preaching Creatively: An Interview with Ed Young, Jr., "Following Ben: Expository Preaching in the Pastoral Setting" by Michael Milton, "The Difference Between Milk and Meat" by Dan Nehrbass, Preaching and Passion: An Interview with Robert Smith, "Developing

Preaching With Passion (Broadman & Holman)

It is unfortunate that so few books of sermons are published today, so we can celebrate a volume such as Preaching With Passion. The book is a collection of sermons from well-known Southern Baptist pastors and denominational leaders (most of them former pastors).This hefty collection contains more t

A Look at the Elders of Antioch

Acts 13:1-3 From the moment I entered the ministry 33 years ago, I have had the opportunity to work in churches whose very name carried great biblical or historical significance. When I first began, I served at Bethany Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York. That church was named for the village

Creating Messages That Connect (Group Publishing)

Nelson, a California pastor, offers ten communication principles to help preachers more effectively connect with a contemporary culture. Nelson has some helpful insights on the particular communication barriers we face in today's culture, along with some interesting ideas for overcoming those