Preaching The Take-Out Sermon

One evening after pulling into the parking lot of a local restaurant I saw a new set of reserved spaces. Close to the main entrance, next to the handicapped spaces were two additional specialized spaces. They were marked with a sign which read, "Parking For Takeout Orders...


In a classic Peanuts comic, Lucy asks Charlie Brown if he worries about the world blowing up. Charlie responds by asking, "It all dependswhat day is today?" Lucy reports that it is Tuesday. Charlie replies, "Well, on Tuesdays I worry about...


Robert Anthony tells a story about a man who went to see a psychiatrist because he was obsessed with worry. The psychiatrist used hypnosis in therapy and was able to wipe out the memory of what was worrying the man. The psychiatrist was...


There is an old story about a lamb that got away from the rest of the flock as she munched her meal. She did not notice a wolf approaching. When the wolf pounced, the lamb begged the wolf saying, "Please don't eat me. I have been eating grass and that will ...


Ruben Ramirez of Yakima Washington wanted life in prison. To his disappointment he was only sentenced to 8½ years. Perhaps you saw his story in the newspaper. Ramirez told people he robbed the bank, not for money but to activate the state's...

Past / Future

There is an old Chinese proverb that says a man who keeps one eye on the past is blind in one eye. A man who keeps no eye on the past is blind in both eyes. Virgil wrote that Aeneas founded Rome after the fall of Troy. He said that Aeneas fled...