
Michael Lebouf recounts an anecdote about the great football coach, Bear Bryant. Bryant is reported to have said, "There are several kinds of football players. There are those who have it and know it, those who have it and don't know it, those who...


A confused looking gentleman was noted on a street corner with a rope in his hand. Many people simply stared and passed him by. Finally a young man stopped and asked, "What's the problem?" "I'm not sure," replied the man. "I can't remember whether...


A young woman noticed in church that an elderly couple held hands the entire service. She was so moved by that, she decided to mention it. She went to the elderly woman and said, "I think it is so sweet that you and your husband...


In her book, Three Kentucky Towns That Never Were, the author, Mariam S. Houchens, names Lystra and Franklinville in Nelson County. They existed only on paper. Elaborate plans showed streets, parks, churches, markets, town halls,...


On Sunday, July 11th there was a strange historical re-enactment in Weehawken, New Jersey. This marked the 200th anniversary of the famous duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Hamilton and Burr had been friends, but later became ...


In the book, The Twentieth Century, the authors record several great quotations about ageing. Ogden Nash once said, "Middle age is when you've met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else." Harvey Allen said, "The only...

The Joy Of Being Right With God

Romans 5:1-11 Many people live spiritual lives that are filled with uncertainty. Does God accept me, or doesn't He? Has God forgiven my sins, or hasn't He? Will God keep all His promises to me, or does God's faithfulness depend on my performance? For people who...

The Unexpected Joy Of Forgiveness

Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 There are few things that match the joy of unexpectedly discovering something good. Whether it's discovering money on the ground, or learning a new concept in a class, joy floods our hearts when we find something good that we didn't expect to...

Understanding Our Story

Romans 5:12-19 Each of us has a unique story. We live our lives in the story mode, as the narratives of our individual lives intersect with the stories of others. Each story is unique. Each has its own heroes and villains, its own twists and turns of plot. Yet often we...