Can I Get A Witness?

2 Peter 1:16-21 Postmodern sages would have us believe that certainty is only an illusion in the minds of fanatics and fools. Despite such aspersions, the human mind continues to seek after certainty because the human heart craves security. Certainty begets...

3 Simple Rules

Micah 6:1-8 Nobody wants to receive a summons to court, especially family court. Every family has its fair share of dirty laundry. Who doesn't cringe at the thought of having it aired in public?...

So, What’s The Good News?

Matthew 4:12-17; Isaiah 9:1-4 It was a typical news night: stories of national political corruption; wars abroad; local murders, rapes, and thefts. Four hundred years, same old news, when suddenly a prophet appeared with a late breaking report: "The kingdom of Heaven is...

Discover The Real Jesus

Bill Bright was one of the pivotal figures in the evangelical movement in the 20th century. Through Campus Crusade for Christ, he impacted thousands of people. Just before his death he completed the book Discover The Real Jesus (Tyndale House). It is a warm and powerful...

“Look, The Lamb Of God!”

John 1:29-42 John the Baptist understood the Passover ritual as a picture of the sacrifice of Christ. Seeing Jesus coming toward him John said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (vs. 29). John repeated his prophetic proclamation the next...

Recapture The Wonder

Ravi Zacharias is a popular author and influential apologist. In his new book Recapture The Wonder (Integrity Publishers), Zacharias shows that we find meaning and purpose in life as we rediscover and develop our God-given sense of...

The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage

Another book dealing with families - but from a dramatically different perspective - is Erwin Lutzer's The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage (Moody). The book is subtitled, "Six Things You Need to Know About What's Really at Stake." The pastor...

Pilgrimage From Prejudice

Acts 10:34-43 Like most people who grew up in northwest Louisiana in the mid twentieth century, I absorbed a lot of racial prejudice from my culture. I didn't realize it at the time, of course, for prejudice of all kinds is usually unconscious and unintended. In time God let me see...


Kid CEO (Warner Faith) is a new book by Ed Young, Jr., in which he stresses the need for parents to once again assume their proper leadership role in the family. This is a creative and helpful book for parents and for pastors...

The Tabernacle: Camping With God

Stephen F. Olford is one of the best-known and loved expositors in the church today. In his new book The Tabernacle: Camping With God (Kregel), Olford helps us better understand the nature and significance of the Old Testament tabernacle and how...