How To Cope With Calamity

Isaiah 60:1-6 A preacher of national renown and chaplain to the halls of government warned for years that the nation was ripening for judgment. He was largely ignored. When the worst came, he might have been tempted to say "I told you so," but instead he began...

The Cycle Of Victorious Giving

Every pastor preaches on giving at some point. A helpful tool is a new book by Stan and Linda Toler called The Cycle Of Victorious Giving (Beacon Hill Press). The Tolers (Stan is an Oklahoma City pastor) talk about the meaning of stewardship and how a ...

The Company Of Hope

David L. Larsen, a long-time preaching professor and popular author, has written The Company Of Hope (Author House), a history of the church's approach to biblical prophecy. Larsen tells the story through the lives of key individuals whose teaching...

The Ministers Manual

Among the annual volumes published to provide preaching resources for pastors, the classic (for nearly 80 years) is The Ministers Manual (Josey-Bass), edited by James W. Cox. The 2004 edition follows in that rich tradition, featuring a lectionary-based...