Readiness For Death

Reflections from Candlestick Park: Jonathan Petersen, Director of Media Relations for Zondervan Publishing, was in town launching a book project with San Francisco pitcher Dave Dravecky when the quake hit. Petersen said that in a span of five seconds a flood of questions poured into his mind as he looked up at the massive...

Size – Height

Oliver Wendell Holmes was a man of fairly small stature. Holmes attended a meeting where he was the shortest man present. "Dr. Holmes," quipped a friend, "I should think you'd feel rather small among us big fellows." "I do," retorted Holmes. "I feel like...


The Procrastinator's Poem: I've gone for a drink and sharpened my pencils, Searched through my desk for forgotten utensils. I reset my watch, I adjusted my chair...


In his book Psalms of the Heart, George Sweeting illustrated a great truth from the experience of two Moody Bible Institute graduates, John and Elaine Beekman. God called them to missionary work among the Chol Indians of southern Mexico. Sweeting reports that they rode mules and traveled by dugout canoes to reach this...

Sin’s Harvest

I don't know about you, but I weary of the way that the devil continues to portray only the fun side of sin. Sin is fun and pleasurable, but only for a season. It has another ugly side that is carefully hidden by the deceiver himself. I'm referring to the consequences of all sin - heartache, disappointment, and eventual...