
Shortly before Easter, Bob's son drew a picture of the crucifixion scene. Bob noticed the picture had an airplane in the top corner. "Son, this is a wonderful picture," Bob said. "But what is the airplane doing?" "Dad, don't you know?" the boy replied. "That's Pontius Pilot!" (from the Kidwarmer

Do You Need a Physician?

Real faith is not about masks. Real faith is about steadfast love that cuts to the heart, that transforms the life. In this sermon on faith, the Great Physician is offering a cure for hypocrisy- a radical cure. The procedure, in many ways, is simple. It's painful, its scary, it's life-threatening - but it's simple. When Jesus talks about transformation and change He is saying you can no longer wear a mask.

A Faith too Big for Works

The message of James is a sober wake-up call. The words of the text go so far as to say that one does not even have a living faith if there are not works to accompany that faith. Faith without works is not even ill, it is dead! This sermon reminds us that faith and works were meant to be the closest of friends and encourages us not to let our personal faith make us aloof to the needs around us.


A college student was always bragging about his hometown. It was an obscure place, unknown to most of his colleagues. His friend thought it a backwater place with little to distinguish itself. Finally a friend asked, "Come on. What's so special about your...


Rivers gain more attention than the little streams that create them. You can name the great rivers of the world, but you cannot name their tributaries. However, without the tributaries, there would be no river. And it must be remembered that...


In the book, Salt, the author describes a fictional character (thought based on fact) who left the southern Appalachians to live and work in Kansas. When she became ill she said she wanted to go back to North Carolina to die. She got on an eastbound train, but died before...


Finding Nemo is the most popular animated feature of all time. What is the secret of its success? Much of its appeal is in the amazing technical and artistic features that helped produce a wonderful underwater world. Others might...


The great racehorse Native Dancer won every race he ever entered except one. That was a race on the first Saturday in May in Louisville, KY, called the Kentucky Derby! The one his owners wanted...