November-December 2003 ~ Vol. 19, No. 3

Preaching at Christmas Contents Include: "Preaching to Mend Broken Lives: An Interview with T.D. Jakes", "When You're in Trouble, Pray!" by Bob Russell, "The 2003 Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference for Preachers" by Michael Duduit, "Still Preaching to Joe Secular: An Interview with Bill Self, "Th

Every Person

Every Person Scripture: Hebrews 2:17-18 Most families keep their family secrets a secret. Most don't talk about the swindling uncle or the streetwalking great-aunt. Such stories remain unmentioned at the family reunion and unrecorded in the family Bibl


A drive-in espresso place might be innovative enough, but Al Holm has added a new dimension to his drive-in coffee shop. You see, Al is a minister and he also serves up drive through weddings. His coffee shop is called "Sacred Grounds." There is no waiting period in Idaho, the location of th