Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. serves as president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary – the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world.
A preacher who does not plan might notice that his preaching is marked by an abundance of lackluster messages because he has not allowed himself appropriate time to develop his sermon material.
Time magazine called him "America's Best Preacher," and there are thousands of listeners across America who wouldn't disagree. Preaching editor Michael Duduit sat down with Bishop Jakes recently to discuss the place of preaching in his ministry.
Preaching at Christmas
Contents Include: "Preaching to Mend Broken Lives: An Interview with T.D. Jakes", "When You're in Trouble, Pray!" by Bob Russell, "The 2003 Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference for Preachers" by Michael Duduit, "Still Preaching to Joe Secular: An Interview with Bill Self, "Th
Every Person
Scripture: Hebrews 2:17-18
Most families keep their family secrets a secret. Most don't talk about the swindling uncle or the streetwalking great-aunt. Such stories remain unmentioned at the family reunion and unrecorded in the family Bibl
A drive-in espresso place might be innovative
enough, but Al Holm has added a new dimension to his drive-in coffee
shop. You see, Al is a minister and he also serves up drive through
weddings. His coffee shop is called "Sacred Grounds." There is no
waiting period in Idaho, the location of th