Nation Under God

The Constitution of the United States says nothing about the separation of church and state. That phrase does appear in the Soviet Constitution. Nothing in our history indicates that the government should be independent of moral values or that religious people shouldn't take an active role in our government. The first ...

Third Sunday After Epiphany

When The Word Reads You Nehemiah 8: 1-10 What pastor or evangelist has not preached from the first six chapters of Nehemiah using the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem to launch into the deep with the necessity of rebuilding life, character, church or society? But, when the last stone was


Somebody Always Pays. Someone always pays for promiscuity - and it is not always the primary participants who pay the most. This year there will be 1.2 million pregnant teenagers. Do you know that it...

Second Sunday After Epiphany

The Purpose Of A Gift I Corinthians 12:1-12 What's the best gift you have ever received? Something tangible? Something non-tangible? Who gave the best gift to you that you have ever received? Your spouse? A child? Parent? A friend? A relative? When was the best gift given to you that you hav

Baptism Of The Lord

The Rugged Demands of Baptism Luke 3:15-17; 21-22 He is a student at my denomination's seminary and I got acquainted with him at his wedding to one of my co-workers. The last two years he has lived in the United States and enjoyed the freedoms we have come to take for granted. Prior to his

Devout Fathers

The other day I was in Paul Harvey's studio in Chicago as he was making his broadcast. Paul said, "It's time for me to go on the air; but why don't you join me in the studio? It's live, you know." I went in the studio. He closed the door. The red light was blinking, He cleared his throat. "Good morning, Americans, this is Paul ...