The Preacher As Reminder

It took me a long time to succumb to the peer pressure of getting a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), but finally I yielded. Everybody had them. I would sit in meetings and colleagues on both sides of me would be scribbling notes with their styluses and beaming them to one another. Across the ro

The Incoming of the Holy Spirit

The Incoming of the Holy Spirit First in a Series on the Three-fold Secret of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will re

Heaven Rules

Heaven Rules James 4:13-5:3 "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit.' - yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life ...

September-October 2003 ~ Vol. 19, No. 2

Contents Include: "Preaching for Life Change" by Rick Warren, "Preaching and the Matrix: Using Popular Culture to Proclaim Christ?", "The Preacher as Reminder" by Jim Shaddix, "The Year's Best Software for Preachers" by Jonathan Kever, "Making God's Word Plain" by Philip G


In his book Falling in Love with Prayer (NexGen), Mike MacIntosh writes: "When I was a teenager I wanted so much to be accepted by my peers, and I decided that a foul mouth was a way to act like a man. I noticed that most men swore and told dirty stories. So by the time I was twenty years old, I had developed an extensive...


In the Detroit Free Press, Nancy A. Youssef reports that in response to a wave of violent crime - 104 homicides compared to 68 at the same time last year - the Detroit Police department took an unusual track and scheduled a day of prayer. In fact, the mayor and chief of police mandated that each precinct would honor an...


Michelangelo started forty-four statues, but completed only fourteen. In a museum in Italy, you can see his thirty unfinished works. There are huge chunks of marble with only a hand, or a foot, or a leg completed. Are our lives like those unfinished statues? Is the potential for beauty and purpose still locked up within us as those...