Peace of Mind

People in East Tennessee talk often about the "lost state of Franklin." The area of upper East Tennessee formed a state, named it after Benjamin Franklin and petitioned to be made a part of the Union. Because of political considerations for North Carolina, the petition was rejected. Later, the region came into the Union as...


One of the greatest and most beloved characters of all time is Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney often told of how Mickey came to him in a time of adversity. Walt had invented a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Several cartoons had been produced and released featuring the rabbit. On a trip to N

Preaching With Bold Assurance

Preaching With Bold Assurance. Hershael W. York Bert Decker Nashville: Broadman Holman Publishers, 2003. Hardcover, 288 pages, $21.99. ISBN 0-8054-2623-X. This volume is actually two books in one. Tucked in the middle of the book is a brief treatment for developing and structuring a sermon

Don’t Forget To Pray For Editors

First they asked pastors not to pray "in Jesus' name" so as not to offend people of other faiths. Now the editor of the International Falls Daily Journal in Minnesota has asked pastors writing the weekly church column to avoid using scripture, lest the columns sound too much li

Preaching: An Affair Of The Heart

Are you preaching for you? For them? Or for Him? It's both a tragedy and a challenge! You and I are called to preach in an era in which entertainment replaces biblical worship in many settings. Inherent within a time like this is an opportunity to refocus. Are we preaching for ourselves?

Proclaim The Word: The Gift Of The Evangelist

Preaching the Gospel to the masses has been a basic method of evangelism since biblical times. It is still an essential approach in our day of population explosion. The evangelistic campaign and the ministry of the evangelist are inseparable: man and method stand together. The Gift of the Evang


In one of their books, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen retell an ancient story. There was a thief in ancient times who stole a magnificent coat. It was made of the finest of materials and had buttons of silver and gold. He eventually sold the coat and a friend in the society of thieves asked him what he got for it. "A hundred pieces of silver," was the reply...


An old fable of Aesop tells of the fox and the crow. A crow once stole a piece of meat. The fox, who wanted the meat, began to compliment the crow. First he complimented the beauty of her black feathers. Then, he complimented the beauty of her form. Finally he complimented her signing voice as asked to hear her sing....

The Family Business

First Sunday After Christmas (C), December 28, 2003 The Family Business Luke 2:41-52 The story of Jesus as a boy in the Jerusalem temple is unique to the gospel of Luke. As with Luke's other special material, we might understand this story more if we ask the question, "Why did Luk