
The Ripley organization highlights the story of the unusual creature, the Nanomia Cara. It is a jellyfish, and it lives in a huge cluster with other jellyfish. Some in the colony catch the food, others digest the food for the rest, others provide propulsion and still others lay eggs. They are interdependent. So is the church. Everyone...


God gradually reveals His truth, like a flower unfolding. It is not like the night-blooming cereus that opens only in the darkness and is seen by few. It is not like the century plant that opens so rarely and is seen so seldom. It is not like the morning glory that opens at dawn and is shut by noonday. God's revelation gradually...

When Religion Goes Bad

Proper 27 (B), November 9, 2003 When Religion Goes Bad Mark 12:38-44 The French mathematician Blaise Pascal once said, "People never do evil so cheerfully as when they do it in the name of God." Indeed, religion can become a platform for all sorts of actions and attitudes that are immor


The late Steve Allen told about a lady named Liz who had been hurt in an automobile accident. A lawyer came to visit her and said, "I've come to assist you in getting damages." Liz replied, "I got all the damages I want. What I need is repairs." This is true of many hurting people we come in contact with every day. The church in...


Blandon Churchyard, where Winston Churchill is buried, is like many similar village churchyards. There is a lichgate at the entrance. Here the bearers could wait with the casket until the minister came out to escort them into the church. If the weather was inclement, they had some shelter beneath the roof of the lichgate. Over...

Quality and Excellence

Chuck Swindoll says, "Several years ago a man told me that his first contact with a Christian was so offensive he "never wanted to hear about Jesus again." He said the person who witnessed to him had bad breath and body odor, never once smiled, was dressed in clothing completely out of date, and angrily closed his remarks...

Rendering To Caesar, Rendering To God

All Saints Sunday (B), November 2, 2003 Rendering to Caesar, Rendering to God Mark 12:28-34 During times of war and times of peace, Christians wonder what they owe to their government and what they owe to God. During our recent conflict with Iraq, this was no less an issue. The Los Angeles Time


For years preachers have used the Dead Sea as an illustration of the importance of giving back. The have made the point that the Dead Sea receives but has no outlet to give to and that is what makes it dead. Now it no longer even receives. We have a new illustration. It seems the Dead Sea really is dying. It is drying up. ...


The only survivor of a shipwreck came upon a small, uninhabited island. He prayed repeatedly for God to save him and everyday scanned the horizon for his answer. Even though he was exhausted and in despair, he eventually managed to build a little hut to keep him out of the weather and to store his provisions. Then one day...


Recently news stories carried the story of Zyness O'Havner and Sallie Warner, who were finally married after 77 years of living together. The bride was 94 and the groom was 95. The couple married Wednesday at the Oklahoma County Courthouse in Oklahoma City.Three of the couple's four grandchildren attended. Evidently...